Process Flowchart Example
Each “Task” in the above flowchart represents a “Form” (Subprocesses will have a series of forms with a defined workflow) on which each Form User provides specific inputs. For example, in Task 1, MD could outline business goals such as targeted Revenues, Expenses, Profit, Headcount, Budgets, etc.
Example of WFA Deployment:
Process: Strategic Planning for a Marketing Organization (refer flowchart above)
Participant: Leadership Team of the Company, comprising of Managing Director, VP – Marketing Services, VP – Creative Services, VP – Finance & Admin, VP – Account Services
The Process Definition:
1) Managing Director outlines the Business Goals of the company to the Leadership Team. This is then communicated to senior executives of respective SBUs / Functional Units, who are key to “make it happen”
2) Each SBU Head will draw up their business plan, outlining the Strategies, Tactics, Constraints, Action Plans to achieve their divisional goals. These will need the buy-in of other SBU / Functional Heads – to confirm that the plan is achievable. This is a subprocess by itself, unique to each SBU / Functional Unit (can be cloned, if required)
3) Functional Heads (support functions of SBUs) will make their respective Operating Plans, outlining the Strategies, Tactics, Constraints and Action Plans to ensure that the SBU Goals are achieved.
4) The above steps could involve workflows and chat / conversations/ feedback/ corrections/ approvals / rejections / escalations all of which would be built into the Workflow Automation software
5) MD’s Office convenes a meeting of Leadership Team to present and discuss each SBU / Functional Unit’s plans and arrive at a consensus on changes to be made by each
6) Managing Director receives the revised document and assuming no more changes, collates and prepares the final document. This is the approved Strategic Plan document of the company.
Keeping the above Process Overview in mind, it is possible to create a Process Flowchart (which could have anything between 15 to 50 steps, depending on the level of granularity required), the corresponding Data Capture Forms for each step, validate the design and Get Set, Go! To have a web-enabled business process up and running in less than a day, with more and more processes added every few days!
On similar lines, it is possible to design the Process Flowchart for any other business process in the organization – these include Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Travel, Expense Approval, Leave Application, Vendor Selection, Quality Management, HR Processes, etc – the possibilities are truly limitless